Hillside walk, 13 April 2013

The early spring flowers have well gone now, and we are in the warm part of spring. The later spring wildflowers are appearing, such as sticky monkeyflower, chamise, and white sage. A surprise this week, something I'd not seen before on these hillsides, is the common muilla. Also, a cliff aster has a big display of flowers on the higher part of the north hillside. Dodder is still small in coverage, but is beginning to bloom.

On the west hillside, the caterpillar phacelia is even better than last week. But the increased dryness has resulted in the goldenback fern shrivelling up, except for a few instances that themselves will shortly be gone. Along Lida Street is a wild cucumber in full bloom, — I thought all of this species had gone to fruit, and the vines withering, but not in this case.

Miniature lupine

Smooth cat's ear

Smooth cat's ear

California coffeeberry

California coffeeberry


Malta star thistle

Spiny redberry

Leafy California buckwheat

Black sage


Blue elderberry


Cliff aster

Cliff aster

White sage

White sage

White sage

Common horehound

Common eucrypta

California liverwort

Fuchsia-flowered gooseberry

Danny's skullcap

Chaparral currant

Birch leaf mountain mahogany

Miner's lettuce

Bush monkey flower



Italian thistle

Wild hyacinth

Bush monkey flower

Unidentified green leaves

Unidentified green leaves

Western nettle

Common horehound

Collar lupine

Rattlesnake weed

Wishbone bush

Caterpillar phacelia

Coffee fern

Goldenback fern

Common muilla

Common muilla

Holly leaf cherry

Narrow leaved bedstraw

Narrow leaved bedstraw

Ropevine clematis

Douglas's nightshade

Malta star thistle

Blue elderberry


Wild cucumber





Morning glory

Morning glory

Morning glory

Cobweb thistle

Caterpillar phacelia


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