Hillside walk, 30 March 2013
Newly blooming flowers this week are sticky monkeyflower and morning glory, both on the west hillside.
A highlight is the arrival of caterpillar phacelia flowers in a west hillside canyon, on both the north and south facing slopes. This is where I saw this species years ago. The number of plants would be in the range 20 to 50. The other place I've found this plant is at the bottom of the north hillside (about 3 plants) and upper Lida Street (1 plant).
Much of the north hillside is becoming very dry. Plants that have finished blooming include strigose lotus, scrub oak, and wild cucumber. Mirabilis is represented by a few shrivelled flowers on a single plant on the higher part of the hillside. Popcorn flower and eucrypta are greatly reduced. SUn cups are far fewer in number. Coffee berry continues to bloom although now advanced. Phacelia minor is much reduced in numbers and the flowers are smaller. Bicolor lupine is going to seed although plenty of flowers remain.
On the west hillside, skunkbush (Rhus aromatica) has finished blooming. Mountain mahogany has only isolated flowers in bloom. The peonies are developing large fruit. Skullcaps continue to bloom, and the nettles are flourishing.